About BikePAC of Oregon

In 1989 Motorcyclists in Oregon formed a Political Action Committee.

After years of rallies and demonstrations against government mandates and over-regulation, action-oriented motorcycle riders formed BikePAC of Oregon to take the fight directly to the legislature.

What is BikePAC?

BikePAC is a non-profit Political Action Committee formed to advocate for the rights and interests of Oregon’s motorcyclists. BikePAC works within the political process in a highly effective and proven manner.

What issues does BikePAC work for?

Any issue affecting Oregon’s motorcyclists is of interest to us. We have:

    • Reduced police harassment by creating a plain English statute defining a motorcycle helmet using simple easy to understand criteria.
    • Doubled the Team Oregon rider education program’s funding so new and experienced riders will have skills needed to ride safely.
    • Eliminated handlebar height requirements for motorcycles so custom bikes were not profiled for extra law enforcement scrutiny.
    • Worked with State officials to make Disabled Parking Stickers available for riders with disabilities.
    • Changed Oregon’s entrenched fueling law so motorcyclists have a legal option to fuel their own tanks at Oregon retail gas stations.
  • Signed into law Oregon’s “Dead Red Light” bill allowing motorcyclists to proceed safely through traffic lights that do not detect them after one full cycle of the light.
  • We will continue to fight for the right of individual adult motorcyclists to choose whether or not to wear a helmet and to choose the appropriate riding gear for the situation.

Activism for Motorcyclists by Motorcyclists.

BikePAC educates riders in grassroots political involvement and effective lobbying. Our “Biker Day” events at the state Capitol are both effective and fun. Motorcyclists and legislators look forward to these events organized by BikePAC. BikePAC has become one of the most effective volunteer-based Political Action Committees in Oregon history.

Motorcycles — A Public Asset, not a Public Burden.

Motorcycles are not only a way of life, they are the future for road based single-occupant vehicles. With virtually no road wear, and reduced fuel consumption and lane volume, motorcycles are the solution to urban traffic congestion. BikePAC’s goal is to make road use easier and safer for the motorcyclists of Oregon.

Click here for BikePAC OF OREGON, inc. Bylaws

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