BikePAC Media

May 24, 2017:  Hearing in the Senate for HB2598 increased driver accountability bill

May 22, 2017:  KGAL Radio Interview #2  – HB 2598 Driver Accountability Bill / SB-385 Lane Filtering Bill (special thanks to KGAL and Jeff McMahon)

March 20 & 21, 2017:  Hearing in the Senate for SB-385 on motorcycle lane filtering

March 8, 2017:  Radio interview, KGAL Radio, with Rich Burright and Don Mason.  Subjects include ABATE & BikePac history / HB 2598 Driver Accountability Bill / SB-385 Lane Filtering Bill  (special thanks to KGAL and Jeff McMahon)

March 7, 2017:  Hearing in the House for HB2598 increased driver accountability bill

Feb 1st, 2017:  Radio interview, Terry Boyd’s World, with Christopher Slater.  Main subject is SB385 – lane filtering bill
(special thanks to KPAM and OregonMotorcycleLaw)

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